Command-line Usage

Radon currently has four commands:

  • cc: compute Cyclomatic Complexity
  • raw: compute raw metrics
  • mi: compute Maintainability Index
  • hal: compute Halstead complexity metrics


On some systems, such as Windows, the default encoding is not UTF-8. If you are using Unicode characters in your Python file and want to analyze it with Radon, you’ll have to set the RADONFILESENCODING environment variable to UTF-8.

Radon configuration files

When using radon regularly, you may want to specify default argument values in a configuration file. For example, all of the radon commands have a --exclude and --ignore argument on the command-line.

Radon will look for the following files to determine default arguments:

  • radon.cfg
  • pyproject.toml (with optional toml install on Python <3.11)
  • setup.cfg
  • ~/.radon.cfg

Any radon configuration will be given in the INI-format, under the section [radon].

For example:

exclude = test_*.py
cc_min = B

Usage with Jupyter Notebooks

Radon can be used with .ipynb files to inspect code metrics for Python cells. Any % macros will be ignored in the metrics.


Jupyter Notebook support requires the optional nbformat package. To install, run pip install nbformat.

To enable scanning of Jupyter notebooks, add the --include-ipynb flag with any of the commands.

To enable reporting of individual cells, add the --ipynb-cells flag with any of the commands.

The cc command

This command analyzes Python source files and compute Cyclomatic Complexity. The output can be filtered by specifying the -n and -x flags. By default, the complexity score is not displayed, the option -s (show complexity) toggles this behaviour. File or directories exclusion is supported through glob patterns. Every positional argument is interpreted as a path. The program then walks through its children and analyzes Python files. Every block will be ranked from A (best complexity score) to F (worst one). Ranks corresponds to complexity scores as follows:

CC score Rank Risk
1 - 5 A low - simple block
6 - 10 B low - well structured and stable block
11 - 20 C moderate - slightly complex block
21 - 30 D more than moderate - more complex block
31 - 40 E high - complex block, alarming
41+ F very high - error-prone, unstable block

Blocks are also classified into three types: functions, methods and classes. They’re listed by letter in the command output for convenience when scanning through a longer list of blocks:

Block type Letter
Function F
Method M
Class C


-x, --max

Set the maximum complexity rank to display, defaults to F.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the cc_max property.

-n, --min

Set the minimum complexity rank to display, defaults to A.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the cc_min property.

-a, --average

If given, at the end of the analysis show the average Cyclomatic Complexity. This option is influenced by -x, --max and -n, --min options.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the average property.


Like -a, --average, but it is not influenced by min and max. Every analyzed block is counted, no matter whether it is displayed or not.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the total_average property.

-s, --show-complexity

If given, show the complexity score along with its rank.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the show_complexity property.

-e, --exclude

Exclude files only when their path matches one of these glob patterns. Usually needs quoting at the command line.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the exclude property.

-i, --ignore

Ignore directories when their name matches one of these glob patterns: radon won’t even descend into them. By default, hidden directories (starting with ‘.’) are ignored.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ignore property.

-o, --order

The ordering function for the results. Can be one of:

  • SCORE: order by cyclomatic complexity (descending):
  • LINES: order by line numbers;
  • ALPHA: order by block names (alphabetically).

Value can be set in a configuration file using the order property.

-j, --json

If given, the results will be converted into JSON. This is useful in case you need to export the results to another application.


If given, the results will be converted into XML. Note that not all the information is kept. This is specifically targeted to Jenkin’s plugin CCM.


If given, the results will be converted into Markdown. Note that not all the information is kept.


Does not count assert statements when computing complexity. This is because Python can be run with an optimize flag which removes assert statements.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the no_assert property.


Include the Python cells within IPython Notebooks in the reporting.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the include_ipynb property.


Report on individual cells in any .ipynb files.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ipynb_cells property.

-O, --output-file

Save output to the specified output file.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the output_file property.


$ radon cc path

Radon will walk through the subdirectories of path and will analyze all child nodes (every Python file it encounters).

$ radon cc -e "path/tests*,path/docs/*" path

As in the above example, Radon will walk the directories, excluding paths matching path/tests/* and path/docs/*.


Remember to quote the patterns, otherwise your shell might expand them!

Depending on the single cases, a more suitable alternative might be this:

$ radon cc -i "docs,tests" path
$ cat path/to/ | radon cc -

Setting the path to “-” will cause Radon to analyze code from stdin

$ radon cc --min B --max E path

Here Radon will only display blocks ranked between B and E (i.e. from CC=6 to CC=40).

The mi command

This command analyzes Python source code files and compute the Maintainability Index score. Every positional argument is treated as a starting point from which to walk looking for Python files (as in the cc command). Paths can be excluded with the -e option. The Maintainability Index is always in the range 0-100. MI is ranked as follows:

MI score Rank Maintainability
100 - 20 A Very high
19 - 10 B Medium
9 - 0 C Extremely low


-x, --max

Set the maximum MI to display. Expects a letter between A-F. Defaults to C.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the mi_max property.

-n, --min

Set the minimum MI to display. Expects a letter between A-F. Defaults to A.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the mi_min property.

-e, --exclude

Exclude files only when their path matches one of these glob patterns. Usually needs quoting at the command line.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the exclude property.

-i, --ignore

Ignore directories when their name matches one of these glob patterns: radon won’t even descend into them. By default, hidden directories (starting with ‘.’) are ignored.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ignore property.

-m, --multi

If given, Radon will not count multiline strings as comments. Most of the time this is safe since multiline strings are used as functions docstrings, but one should be aware that their use is not limited to that and sometimes it would be wrong to count them as comment lines.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the multi property.

-s, --show

If given, the actual MI value is shown in results, alongside the rank.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the show_mi property.

-j, --json

Format results in JSON.


Include the Python cells within IPython Notebooks in the reporting.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the include_ipynb property.


Report on individual cells in any .ipynb files.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ipynb_cells property.

-O, --output-file

Save output to the specified output file.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the output_file property.


$ radon mi path1 path2

Analyze every Python file under path1 or path2. It checks recursively in every subdirectory.

$ radon mi path1 -e "path1/tests/*"

Like the previous example, but excluding from the analysis every path that matches path1/tests/*.

$ radon mi -m path1

Like the previous examples, but does not count multiline strings as comments.

The raw command

This command analyzes the given Python modules in order to compute raw metrics. These include:

  • LOC: the total number of lines of code
  • LLOC: the number of logical lines of code
  • SLOC: the number of source lines of code - not necessarily corresponding to the LLOC [Wikipedia]
  • comments: the number of Python comment lines (i.e. only single-line comments #)
  • multi: the number of lines representing multi-line strings
  • blank: the number of blank lines (or whitespace-only ones)

The equation \(sloc + multi + single comments + blank = loc\) should always hold.

[Wikipedia]More information on LOC, SLOC, LLOC here:


-e, --exclude

Exclude files only when their path matches one of these glob patterns. Usually needs quoting at the command line.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the exclude property.

-i, --ignore

Ignore directories when their name matches one of these glob patterns: radon won’t even descend into them. By default, hidden directories (starting with ‘.’) are ignored.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ignore property.

-s, --summary

If given, at the end of the analysis a summary of the gathered metrics will be shown.

-j, --json

If given, the results will be converted into JSON. Note that the JSON export does not include the summary (enabled with the option -s, –summary).

-O, --output-file

Save output to the specified output file.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the output_file property.


Include the Python cells within IPython Notebooks in the reporting.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the include_ipynb property.


Report on individual cells in any .ipynb files.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ipynb_cells property.


$ radon raw path1 path2

Analyze every Python file under path1 or path2. It checks recursively in every subdirectory.

$ radon raw path1 -e "path1/tests/*"

Like the previous example, but excluding from the analysis every path that matches path1/tests/*.

The hal command

This command analyzes Python source files and computes their Halstead complexity metrics. Files can be analyzed as wholes, or in terms of their top-level functions with the -f flag.

Excluding files or directories is supported through glob patterns with the -e flag. Every positional argument is interpreted as a path. The program walks through its children and analyzes Python files.


-f, --functions

Compute the metrics on the function level, as opposed to the file level.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the functions property.

-e, --exclude

Exclude files when their path matches one of these glob patterns. Usually needs quoting at the command line.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the exclude property.

-i, --ignore

Refuse to descend into directories that match any of these glob patterns. By default, hidden directories (starting with ‘.’) are ignored.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ignore property.

-j, --json

Convert results into JSON. This is useful for exporting results to another application.

-O, --output-file

Save output to the specified output file.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the output_file property.


Include the Python cells within IPython Notebooks in the reporting.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the include_ipynb property.


Report on individual cells in any .ipynb files.

Value can be set in a configuration file using the ipynb_cells property.


$ radon hal

Radon will analyze the given file.

$ radon hal path/

Radon will walk through the subdirectories of path/ and analyze all child nodes (every Python file it encounters).

$ radon hal -e 'path/tests*,path/docs/*' path/

As in the above example, Radon will walk the directories, excluding paths matching path/tests/* and path/docs/*.


Remember to quote the patterns, otherwise your shell might expand them!

Depending on the single cases, a more suitable alternative might be this:

$ radon hal -i "docs,tests" path
$ radon hal - < path/to/

Setting the path to “-” will cause Radon to analyze code from stdin.